Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CNN - Cait News Network

So, update on the whole “no soda” silliness….no, just kidding, I’m still going strong!

Last week, to wean my feeble little bubbly sugared brain off soda, I issued a startling ration law throughout the nation of Cait, limiting myself down to only two sodas a day. There was upheaval. Riots even. One Cait even threw tiny bricks made of profane words against my ears. But the Cait Police cracked down, and there was a successful, albeit tense, week of only two sodas a day.

Now, since Monday, the ration of only one soda a day has gone into effect. Some Cait’s are still upset, and have begun protests, however they are quiet sit-ins and pose no threat to Caitdom as a whole.

By next Monday, Empress Cait the Great projects that not only will there be no soda throughout the nation, but that this will be met with little to no resistance, and be therefore, seen as a success.


  1. and dieing in your beds many years from now, from this day to then, would you be willing to give all those days, for just one chance to come back here, and tell your enemies, you may take our lives, but you will never take our SODA! CAIT GO BRAGH! awesome update, i loved it :) p.s. love your profile pic.

  2. May the Emperess Reign forever!!

  3. Haha, thanks Uncle Billy! Awesome comment, I loved it! And thanks! I had fun playing around with the picture on the site picnik.com site.

  4. And it is loyal Cohorts like you Tia that will be finely rewarded!!!!
